Solar films

Solar films are intended for use on glass surfaces and windows of buildings where there is a risk of overheating in the summer months. They reduce interior overheating and function as passive air-conditioning. In air-conditioned buildings, they significantly reduce energy costs and make it possible to install lower-performance air-conditioning units.

Solar films for windows

Reflective exterior solar films

Reflective exterior films, which are suitable also for double-pane windows, are the most effective form of protection against penetration of heat into buildings.

Interior solar shading films

These films are used exclusively on simple glass, where they achieve the significant anti-solar-radiation effect of shading or reflective film despite interior installation.

Interior-exterior solar films for windows

Solar films serve as passive air-conditioning

Significantly reducing the interior temperature in the summer months

In winter, they reduce heat loss through glass

These films also reduce the risk of injury by broken glass

Block 98% of harmful UV radiation

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