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Fire detection systems

An electronic fire detection system (EFDS) is an integral part of new buildings, where the presence of such a system is required by law. However, even in buildings where they are not required, it is worth considering whether an EFDS would be appropriate. A well-designed EFDS project, including perfectly executed installation, can protect not only the building owner’s hard-earned assets, but also the health and lives of people inside the building in the event of a fire. Discounts on insurance for thusly equipped buildings are also significant. Besides a siren, it is possible to relay a fire alarm to the building’s operation centre, to a centralised security desk or directly to the fire department. If an alarm is activated, the electronic fire detection system closes or, conversely, opens various doors, thus ensuring ventilation of the escape route, etc.

Wireless smoke sensor

Wireless sensors are used especially in finished interiors.

Standard sensors for new and renovated buildings provide the highest reliability.

An integral part of modern buildings, especially commercial properties

Transparent operation

Various types of detectors cover all risks

24-hour service

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