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How to choose a new security door.

Security doors for apartments and houses

1) How to choose a supplier.

Learn everything possible about the firm. For example, you can have a look at the Commercial Register and find out the firm’s registered capital, whether or not it has incurred execution in the past few years and if it has a long history. Returns and service could become a nightmare for you. Internet discussion forums will not give you much information, as the people engaging in discussion on most of them are direct or temporary works of the various firms and try to manipulate market awareness. Never entrust your security to a door-to-door salesman.

2) How to choose an installation firm.

Correct installation of security entry doors is of fundamental importance for your safety. Therefore, NEXT doors are installed by the company’s own employees with a verified background and proven experience from hundreds or even thousands of installations. We do not want to have dozens of installation firms in whose case we would not be able to verify the integrity and skills of their employees. We consider it important to provide verified services and the best possible quality.

3) How to verify the quality of delivered doors.

Request certificates specifically for the given door. Unfortunately, some manufacturers have one certificate for a single type of door and then attribute it to any other type of door. For example, you can easily get a glazed door with a certificate for an unglazed door, and that does not give you much security. Besides that, your insurer will not pay for any damage that you may incur.

4) How to choose the security class.

European norms recognise six security classes for doors. For the purpose of securing an apartment, house or company, doors in security class 3 or 4 are the most appropriate. Security classes 1 and 2 provide only minimal protection and such doors can be breached with only a screwdriver in a short period of time. Conversely, doors in security classes 5 and 6 are not in everyday use, but are rather used only in special military and police applications.

5) How to choose the door surface.

lways choose a door with sandwich construction, where the core is steel and the surfaces comprises a thicker sheet of wood, MDF or similar material. In the case of an apartment, ensure that the door has good sound insulation and, furthermore, the possibility of replacing only the surface panel in the event of mechanical damage. It is necessary to choose the door surface also according to the environment in which the door will be located. It is important to consider whether this involves an exterior door for a family house or an interior door for an apartment.

6) Apartment door? Fireproof only!

If you live in an apartment, you are required by law to have a new entry door with fire resistance verified by a certificate. Every apartment is considered to be a fire zone and your door protects the escape route of other residents in the building. Do not allow yourself to be convinced by a dealer that you can save a little money and do not risk damages that could cost you millions in compensation. More information is available in the statement from the Fire Rescue Service.

7) How many locking points should you choose?

Experience shows that 20 to 30 locking pins are sufficient for maximum security. However, it is true that the more locking pins a door has, the better. Multi-point locking distributes force applied when a door is pried or jacked in a similar manner as crumple zones in automobiles.

8) Is one or two locks enough?

A high-quality main lock controls all of the door’s locking points and forms a part of the door and is protected by the door’s construction. An additional lock supplements the existing 20-30 points with only a single locking point and is irrelevant for new security doors.

9) Doorframes – new or original?

f your original door frame is of one-piece steel construction and is fully and, especially, evenly embedded in the wall panel, we can use it. Our technician will measure it and assess its parameters for you free of charge, and you can thus save a significant amount of money, time, dust, noise and general discomfort. NEXT doors are the only ones tested and certified for use in original steel doorframes. If, however, your doorframe is unusable or you are undertaking a renovation or new construction, it is better to choose a new security doorframe.

10) What kind of lock cylinder and keys should you choose?

The lock cylinder should be in the same security class as the door or higher. Always ask for patent protection of the keys! If the cylinder does not have such protection, any key-making service in the Czech Republic or elsewhere can make copies of your key. Therefore, we use EVVA lock cylinders, which not only have the highest technical level in the world, but also maximum protection of keys.


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