Questions about window films

How important are window films?

The glass commonly used in windows, doors, skylights, mirrors, built-in cabinets, etc. is beautiful, but it has a full range of weaknesses. It is fragile and breaks easily, glass shards are dangerous to life and health, and it has negligible insulation properties. Films eliminate these deficiencies to a significant extent and improve the properties of glass. Security films on windows give glass unexpected strength and durability; solar and thermal films multiply the insulation capability of glass.


How long is the delivery time for window films?

We have all types of window films in stock and we usually install them within two to five days after they are ordered, anywhere in the Czech Republic.


Can window films also be installed on Plexiglas?

Window films are not intended for installation on so-called “synthetic glass” (plexi, polycarbonate, etc.). Over the course of many years, these materials release gaseous substances that cause bubbles to occur under the film. We emphatically do not recommend this type of installation.


Your company installed SCX security film for us. The day after installation, the film looked as if it had been soaked in milk. Will this phenomenon subside?

This is an ordinary attendant phenomenon following installation of films, when fogging occurs, which will gradually disappear as the film’s adhesive dries and cures. The adhesive hardens completely usually within 30 days following installation, though this period is longer during the winter months. For more information, do not hesitate to contact our sales staff.


How should windows with installed film be cleaned? Is there a risk of scratching?

All NEXT window films feature a two-ply scratch-resistant layer. After complete drying approximately 30 days following installation, your windows can be cleaned in the usual manner. However, you must not use aggressive chemical agents: solvents, acids and agents containing ammonia. Furthermore, glass fitted with films may not be cleaned with steel wool or sand, which could scratch the film. We do not recommend using adhesives on window films.


On which side of the glass is security film applied and how thick is it?

Security film is applied only to the interior side of glass, so that it cannot incur mechanical damage or intentional destruction. The film is most commonly 0.3 mm thick.


I would like to have security film installed on the windows in my apartment. I have heard that this film blocks UV radiation. Won’t that harm my houseplants?

NEXT films have effective UV filters in a range of wavelengths that plants can live without, so they can grow in a completely normal manner.


I have a small child and I am afraid that she could be injured if a window gets broken. How can your films help me?

Protective films prevent shattering and fallout of sharp fragments that could cause injury. Therefore, we recommend using security or protective films wherever there is a risk of injury – interior doors, winter gardens, windows, bookcases, glazed cabinet doors. Installation is definitely appropriate everywhere groups of children are present – sports facilities, gyms, preschools and schools, after-school clubs, hospitals, etc.


I have windows and a balcony door on the ground floor of my building. Would you recommend security film to me?

We can unreservedly recommend that you use window films, which unlike grills, for example, are not visible on glass and thus do not attract thieves, whom it is very important to confront with a moment of surprise when they find that they have encountered an unexpected barrier. This circumstance will either completely repel a burglar or at least slow him down.


I have heard that if security film is not installed beneath the window frame, the whole window pane can be pried out. Is this true?

When installing window film, we also choose the most appropriate method that ensures the highest possible security. It is definitely more appropriate to install film under battens wherever possible. If for any reason this is not possible, the film will still provide a multiple increase in safety and security, as the window pane will never break along the perimeter, but in a typical spider web pattern, which the film will hold together.


How long is the service life of security film?

NEXT security films come with a five-year warranty, which covers peeling, deformation and colour change. The service life of the films is roughly three times longer than the warranty.


Can the film be opaque and translucent at the same time?

Yes, two-sided opacity is ensured by a matte film that aesthetically replaces frosted glass. It allows 47% of light to pass through. This film is frequently used in banks, hospitals and other locations where discretion is required.


I need mirrored film through which no one can see inside, but I can still see outside. Can your film serve this purpose?

Yes, it can, but that always depends on the relative intensity of indoor and outdoor lighting. During the day, the film functions normally, but in the evening, it only works if you do not light the interior. The mirror effect is always on the side receiving more light.


I would like to reduce my home’s heat consumption. Will thermal-insulation films help me?

Yes, they will help. Thermal-insulation films are certified in the Czech Republic and improve thermal efficiency by up to 25%. We recommend that you consult with our specialists, as these films are not suitable for all windows.


I have heard that if I have thermal-insulation film installed, my apartment will be dark. Is that true?

No, that is not true. The films are produced using state-of-the-art technology for steam processing layers of precious metals, which provides high thermal performance with minimum blocking of natural light. The reduction of light is completely imperceptible and you will practically not even notice the film on your windows.


I would like to know if there are films that can be installed on a bathroom window so that it is not possible to see into the bathroom from outside, but light penetration is preserved. Do you have such films?

This problem is best solved with so-called privacy films. We have available the two most popular types – milky white film ensuring two-way opacity with 47% reduction of light penetration and bronze-tinted film with 42% reduction of light penetration.